

Dionisio Gutiérrez    

Dr. Dionisio Gutiérrez is a businessman, sociologist, communicator, and president of Fundación Libertad y Desarrollo in Guatemala.  After obtaining a Bachelor degree in Business Administration and a Master degree in International Management and Finances, he graduated  Summa Cum Laude PhD in Sociology and Political Sciences by Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, in Spain.

Dionisio Gutiérrez is a member of the Latin American Council of the University of Georgetown; member of the Atlantic Initiative of the Johns Hopkins University; member of the Board of the Kennedy School of Harvard; member of the Advisory Board of Fundación Internacional para la Libertad; member of the Academic Board of the Atlantic Institute of Government; founder and trustee of Escuela de Gobierno (School of Government) in Guatemala; member of the Board of Trustees of Universidad Francisco Marroquín, and member of G50, based in Washington DCIn February of 2021 he became the only Latin American on the Freedom House Board of Trustees. He is also a member of the Advisory Council of the Bush Institute in Dallas, Texas.

Dionisio Gutiérrez was the director and host of the well-known TV show, Libre Encuentro, in which he conducted analyses, debates, and proposals for twenty years. Afterwards, he was the director of the TV show entitled Dimensión, and nowadays directs and presents Razón de Estado TV show.

Dionisio Gutiérrez was CEO of CMI, Corporación Multi-lnversiones, for over 33 years. For seven years, he was the president of the Chamber of Free Enterprise. He was the Director of the Guatemalan Association of Managers, Director of the Chamber of Commerce, Director of Banco de Occidente, and vice-president of Banco Reformador. Additionally, he was an active member of the group of political observers in Latin America during the elections in the1990s.

Since the democratic opening of Central America, in the 1980s, Dr. Gutiérrez has played an important and permanent role in the critical moments of the region and continues to be engaged with freedom, democracy, and development; topics which have lead him to participate in think tanks, writing newspapers opinion columns, lecturing in various countries of the world, and receiving national as well as International awards.

In 2012, Power Awards and the American Business Council Foundation of the United States of America, recognized the effort and background of Dr. Gutiérrez by granting him the award entitled "Empowerment for Democracy".

In 2014, His Majesty, King Phillip VI of Spain, awarded Dr. Gutiérrez the Decoration of the Order of Civil Merit in Degree of Commitment.  Such honor is granted to exemplary citizens who have provided relevant services to their country, whose extraordinary work is a model of persistence in the pursuit of the rule of law, democracy and freedom.

From his position at Fundación Libertad y Desarrollo, Dr. Gutiérrez directs an extraordinary team of intellectuals with whom he develops multiple civic activities and works in the articulation of long-term State proposals for Central America.


“Our permanent mission is to fight for liberal democracy and republican values: the division of powers, the rule of law and freedom."